A film

Submitted by jono on 19 Feb 2020.

This short film - "OneBubble.Earth" - is in part it is a thank you to all the people who I met on the journey windsurfing round Europe, and on the cycle back. Many many people, from all countries, so open and warm. I smile the broadest of smiles, and well-up a little, just thinking back.

The film also is tries to articulate some thoughts about the 'limits of our planet'.

We treat our planet as if it has no limits. If you think this is worthy of pointing out, then please share! If you do not usually share content, then your act is all the more significant.

Subtitles available:
1. Turn on subtitles for original language (English)
2. Settings -> Subtitles -> Auto-translate -> your_language

Tagged with: Video featured


posted 19 Feb 2020

Hello Jono, what an amazing journey which I followed with you which you bravely conquered. The narration of this film is absolutely beautiful. How our earth is ruined by careless humans, affecting marine life, wildlife and humans. It is indeed so heartbreaking to see how it all is being destroyed by carelessness, but the love we, you and I and millions of people around the earth, have an appreciation for our Heavenly Father's works of His own hands. He created the earth for our enjoyment ... and it is our duty to cherish and care for it. Thank you for making a difference!!

Signe Klepp
posted 14 Mar 2020

I had the pleasure of meeting you off the island of Flekkerøya in Norway last summer, and have told many friends of your extraordinary journey. It made really an impact on me; the sheer willpower to do it, the adventure, the light traveling !, the challenges on the sea, and now this beautiful and compassionate film with its commentary. Thank you so much, you colored my life!
Signe Klepp, Norway

posted 21 Mar 2020

Thank you Signe. If I recall correctly I took a breather on Flekkerøya as it was pretty windy away from the shelter of the island. And I suspect that you are from the team of rowers who showed up, and kindly invited me to share in their lunch. An excellent day wherever it was we met :)
- Jono

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